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January 27, 1987: An important date in the life of APPO // 27 janvier 1987: Une date importante dans la vie de l’APPO
ENGLISH The APPO was set up to serve as a platform for cooperation and harmonization of efforts, collaboration, sharing of knowledge and expertise among African oil-producing countries. The idea to…
ENGLISH The curtains fell at the beginning of November 2024 on the 4th edition of the African Energy Week. If all eyes are now on the 5th edition, scheduled to be held…
Rejoinder to an article by AI on the Africa Energy Bank // Réplique à un article de AI sur la Banque Africaine de l’Énergie
ENGLISH Our attention has been drawn to an article with the above title in an otherwise respectable magazine, Africa Intelligence, in which the writer, Thibaut Lanchon, tried unsuccessfully to do…
46th Ordinary Session of the Ministerial Council of APPO1st November 2024, Yaounde, Republic of Cameroon Final Press Release || 46ème Session Ordinaire du Conseil des Ministres de l’APPO1er Novembre 2024, Yaoundé, République du Cameroun Communiqué Final
ENGLISH 46th Ordinary Session of the Ministerial Council of APPO1st November 2024, Yaounde, Republic of Cameroon: Final Press Release The Ministerial Council of the African Petroleum Producers’ Organization (APPO) held…
Presentation of the APPO NOCs CEOs’ Forum // Présentation du Forum des PDG des SNH de l’APPO
This prestigious meeting, which follows the 5th Meeting held in Brazzaville on November 16, 2023, will once again bring together the delegations of National Oil Companies from APPO Member Countries for a day of high-level meetings, discussions and strategic collaborations.
APPO’s message of hope at the West Africa Energy Summit
The West Africa Energy Summit took place last week at the Accra International Conference Centre in the esteemed Member Country, Ghana. Organized by OGV Group in partnership with the Ministry…
Energy sources available on Earth // Les sources d’énergie disponibles sur Terre
ENGLISH There are two main categories of energy sources. The first is based on whether energy sources are naturally present or not. Thus, we speak of primary and secondary sources…
Location of crude oil reserves in the world // Localisation des réserves de pétrole brut dans le monde
ENGLISH Oil was at the origin of the birth of the industrial economies of the 19th century. Although it is now in competition with other energy sources, it is not…
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