Council of Ministers

The Council of Ministers shall:


Be the supreme policy and decision-making body of the Organization


Approve the general policies, direction and programs of the Organization


Approve the setting up of any organ within the framework of the Organization for the realization of the Organization’s objectives as it may deem fit


Confirm the appointment of members of the Executive Board


Appoint the Secretary General of the Organization


Set the terms and conditions for the Secretary General and key directors of APPO


Consider and approve the report of the Executive Board


Propose the holding of a Summit of Heads of State of APPO Member Countries on specific and strategic matters for the Organization when needed


Approve the budget and financial statement of the Secretariat


Approve the appointment of the External Auditor


Decide on the application of new members and observers


Consider and decide on any other matter which it deems appropriate, including issues not provided for in the Statute

The Council of Ministers shall be made up of Ministers in charge of the hydrocarbon sector of the Member Countries or Plenipotentiaries of the said countries.

APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization

H.E. Mohamed Arkab

Republic of Algeria

Minister of Mines and Energy

APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization

H.E. Diamantino Pedro Azevedo

Republic of Angola

Avenida 4 de Fevereiro 105,
P.O. Box 1229

Minister of Mineral Resources and Petroleum

APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization

H.E. Paulin Akponna

Republic of Benin

04 BP 1412, Cotonou, Benin.

Minister of Energy, Water and Mines

APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization

H.E. Adolphe Moudiki

Republic of Cameroon

BP 955, Yaoundé, Cameroun

Plenipotentiary at the Ministerial Council

APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization

H.E. Aimé Molendo Sakombi

Democratic Republic of Congo

01, Avenue Comité Urbain,
Kinshasa/-Gombe, RD Congo.

Minister of Hydrocarbons

APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization

H.E. Bruno Jean-Richard ITOUA

Republic of Congo

BP 2120, Brazzaville, Congo.

Minister of Hydrocarbons

APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization

H.E. Mamadou Sangafowa

Republic of Côte d’Ivoire

BPV 50, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

Minister of Mines, Petroleum and Energy

APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization

H.E. Eng. Karim Ibrahim Ali Badawi

Republic of Egypt

P.O. Box 2130, Cairo, Egypt.

Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources

APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization

H.E. Antonio Oburu Ondo

Republic of Equatorial Guinea

P.O. Box 778 or 844,
Malabo, Equatorial Guinea.

Minister of Mines and Hydrocarbons

APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization

H.E. Marcel ABEKE

Republic of Gabon

BP 874 & 576, Libreville, Gabon.

Minister of Petroleum and Gas

APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization

Hon. John Abdulai Jinapor

Republic of Ghana

P. O. Box SD40, Stadium Post Office Accra, Ghana (behind National Theatre)

Minister of Energy

APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization

H.E. Dr. Khalifa R. Abdul Sadek

Republic of Libya

Sadawi St. P. O. Box 2655 – 5335 Tripoli, Libya

Minister of Petroleum and Gas

APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization

H.E. Tom Alweendo

Republic of Namibia

BP. 6 Aviation Road, Private Bag 13297, Windhoek, Namibia

Minister of Petroleum and Energy

APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization

H.E. Dr. Sahabi Oumarou

Republic of Niger

Niamey, Niger.

Minister of Petroleum

APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization

H.E. Heineken Lokpobiri

Federal Republic of Nigeria

Block D, NNPC Towers Herbert Macaulay Way,
Central Business District, Abuja.

Minister of State for Petroleum Resources

APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization


Republic of Senegal

Building administratif Mamadou Dia, 4e étage

Minister of Petroleum and Energy

APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization

H.E. Gwede Mantashe

Republic of South Africa

Department of Energy, Private Bag X59,
Pretoria 0001, South Africa

Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization

H.E. Ndolonodji Alixe Naimbaye

Republic of TChad

BP 816/94, N’djamena, Tchad.

Minister of Petroleum, Mines and Geology d


APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization

H.E Mohamed Arkab

Minister of Mines and Energy

Date of birth February 19, 1966, Hussein Dey


H.E Mohamed ARKAB was appointed Minister of Energy and Mines on 22 January, 2021. He held the position of Minister of Energy from April 2019 to June 2020, and Minister of Mines from June 2020 to February 2021.

From August 2017 to April 2019, he was Chief Executive Officer of Sonelgaz, the public gas and electricity company Previously, since September 2010, he held the position of Chief Executive Officer of the Electricity and Gas Engineering Company, a subsidiary of Sonelgaz Holding,
responsible for carrying out the entire development program of Sonelgaz subsidiaries. He began his career in September 1990 in the company ETTERKIB, an industrial construction company where he held many positions until June 2006, when he was appointed Chief Executive Officer of this company.

H.E ARKAB holds a degree of Engineering in mechanics, with specialization in energy sciences. He also holds a Master degree in Business Administration.


APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization

H.E Dr. Diamantino Pedro Azevedo

Minister of Mineral Resources and Petroleum

Date of birth July 12, 1963


Minister of Mineral and Petroleum Resources since October 2017 to present, H.E Diamantino Pedro Azevedo was Chairman of several mining companies in Angola fom 2006 to 2017 and Chairman and CEO of FERRANGOL’s Board of Directors and Non-Executive.

He was General Director of the Southern and Eastern African Mineral Centre, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, 2002 – 2006.

In the Ministry of Geology and Mines of the Republic of Angola, Diamantino held various posts, including Advisor to the Minister, National Director of International Affairs and Deputy President to the Mining Development Fund, 1997 – 2002.

Diamantino Pedro Azevedo have PhD in Mining Engineering, Technical University of Berlin, Germany, 1997.

He also holds a Certificate in Management, Centre of Technology Transfer and the Technical University of Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany, 1992 and Masters in Mining Engineering, Mining Academy of Freiburg, Germany. 1991.

He Studied Geology at the Agostinho Neto University in Luanda, Angola

Diamantino was one of the first students at the National Oil Institute of Angola (INP), where he studied Drilling and Oil Production.


APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization

H.E Bruno Jean- Richard ITOUA

Minister of Hydrocarbons since May 15, 2021.

Date of birth October 6th, 1956 in Pointe-Noire


Founder and Chief Executive Officer of SNPC since its creation, from 1998 to 2005, Bruno Jean-Richard ITOUA has held positions including Advisor to the Head of State for Hydrocarbons, Mines, Energy and Hydraulics from 1999 to 2005.

After having spent 7 years at the head of the Ministry of Energy and Hydraulics, Mr. Bruno Jean- Richard ITOUA was respectively: Minister of Higher Education, Minister of Scientific Research and Minister of Scientific Research and Technological Innovation.

Engineer then Head of the Technical Control Department within the General Electricitv Control of the SNE (National Electricity Company). where he started his career in 1984, the Minister successively held several positions within Elf Congo which he joined in 1985 until 1997.

After brilliant university studies at the University Marien NGOUABI of Brazzaville, Mr. Bruno Jean -Richard ITOUA obtained a degree in Mathematics with an option in Applied Mathematics. He then obtained a degree in Mechanical-Electrical Engineering at the Ecole Spéciale des Travaux Publics et du Bâtiment (ESTP) in Paris (France), Engineer in Development and Exploitation of Reservoirs at the ENSPM (IFP) in Rueil Malmaison (France), then a DESS/MBA in Business Administration at the IA of Paris (Pantheon-Sorbonne University).

Bruno Jean- Richard ITOUA has received several awards including the Best African Manager of the Year 2000, awarded by the International Council of African Managers (C.I.M.A), the W.Q.C (World Quality Commitment) International Star Award in the GOLD category, the African Management Award (A.M.A) trophy as Patron of the 3rd Edition Dakar 2005.

Because of his numerous services to the Nation, Bruno Jean-Richard ITOUA has been elevated to the rank of Grand Officer in the Congolese Order of Merit.

He is Member of the Parliament for the 1st electoral constituency of the Ollombo District since June 24, 2007.

APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization
APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization
APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization
APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization

Presentations & Speeches

APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization