Gabon is a country located in Central Africa, crossed by Ecuador. It has a population estimated at 2.2 million inhabitants in 2019 spread over an area of 267.667 Km2 or a density of 9 inhabitants / km2. The population growth rate is 2.5 per cent and the urban population represents 89.7 per cent of the total population. Life expectancy at birth is 66.5 years, the mortality rate of children under 5 years stands at 41.7 per thousand.
It borders the eastern and southern Republic of the Congo; north-northwest of Equatorial Guinea and northern Cameroon.
A former French colony, Gabon has been independent since August 17, 1960.
Gabon is a sparsely populated country with an equatorial climate, hot and humid. It is covered by dense forest, the exploitation of which is an important resource, alongside the extractive industries (manganese, gold and, especially, oil, the basis of exports but now in decline).