
APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization


We’re excited to connect with you! Fill out the foraSenegal is a West African State. With an area of 196,712 km2, it is limited to the north by Mauritania, to the east by Mali, to the south by Guinea and Guinea Bissau, to the west by the Atlantic Ocean on a façade of 500 km

The Gambia forms a quasi-enclave in Senegal, penetrating more than 302 km inland. The Cape Verde Islands are located 560 km from the Senegalese coast.

The explanation of the origin of the name Senegal remains subject to debate.  As early as 1850, Father David Boilat, quarteron and son of Signare ( a rich Métis merchant), saw in his Senegalese Sketches a distortion of the Wolof expression suñu gaal, that is to say “our canoe”. Very popular, this version is generally relayed by the media and favored by the authorities to the extent that it highlights national solidarity.

However, it has been disputed since the 1960s and several other etymologies have been put forward, the one currently considered the most plausible linking the toponym to a Berber tribe  of the Sahara, the Sanhadja (“Zenaga” in Berber).

Another explanation is that the country owes its name to  the river that borders it to the east and north and which has its source in the Fouta-Djalon in Guinea. The climate is dry tropical characterized by two seasons: a dry season from November to June and a rainy season from July to October.
Senegal is located at the westernmost advance of the African continent in the Atlantic Ocean, at the confluence of Europe, Africa and the Americas, and at a crossroads of major sea and air routes. Three rivers cross the country from East to West: Senegal (1700 km) in the North, Gambia (750 km) and Casamance (300 km) in the South.m below, and let’s start a conversation.

APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization
APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization

Independence Day

April 4



Major Cities

Saint Louis, Thiès, Ziguinchor, Kaolack

Official language


Population (2021 projections)


Proven natural gas reserves

910 billion m3

Proven crude oil reserves

1,030 million barrels (excluding Dome Flora)

Proven natural gas production

Production has not yet started

Proven crude oil production


GDP per capita

$1,430 in 2020

Nominal GDP

CFAF15,085.9 billion in 2020



APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization

H.E. Bassirou Diomaye Faye

Head of State

APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization


Ministre du Pétrole et des Énergies

APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization

M. Papa Samba Ba

Executive Board Member

APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization

M. Alioune Gueye


APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization
APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization
APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization
APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization

Presentations & Speeches

APPO African Petroleum Producers' Organization